Monday, December 1, 2014

Research: Part 4/5 - Wassily Kandinsky

Wassily Kandinsk is a Russian painter and art theorist. He is famously known for his abstract painting. Born in Moscow, he studied law and economics. in 1901 he founded Phalanx, an art group, which he taught students at. He also designed a special curriculum based on the analysis of color and form, developing the ideas stated in on the Spiritual side in Art. He focused on paintings that had colorful backgrounds and floating space in.

He saw abstract art as the ideal visual mode to express the "inner necessity" of the artist and to convey universal human emotions and ideas. I think that he does apply the emotion and artistic theory to his paintings by creating all sort of unique objects. His special objects resemble his thoughts and artistic thoughts.

I think that he does provide the necessary elements of his theory in his arts. Therefore, it is a good source of painting because it conveys his perspective of colors and space. I like the colors in his painting because the give the mood of living. With the weird abstract shapes, it becomes the inner part of a human mind that we see in those paintings.


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